Fishing Overview

The Lomond system offers some of the most diverse game fishing options in Scotland, all within striking distance of Glasgow and the Central belt.


Loch Lomond

Fishing for salmon on Loch Lomond is the primary obsession for the majority of our members. Although VOLDAC members can and do fish Lomond’s tributaries nothing whets the appetite quite like the prospect of a day “up the Loch” searching for an elusive bar of silver.

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River Leven

The River Leven can lay a genuine claim to being one of the top salmon and sea trout rivers in central Scotland, and given decent water levels offers the prospect of excellent sport for the salmon and sea trout angler.

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River Endrick

The River Endrick is a typical spate river and fishes best when the river is running off after a spate, when sport can be fast and furious. Fishing on the Endrick is fly only.

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River Fruin

The River Fruin is another typical spate river, which is smaller than the Endrick and located on Loch Lomond’s opposite shore. The Fruin runs off quickly following a rise in water levels so timing is all important. Fishing on the Fruin is fly only.

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Clyde Estuary

Overlooked for many years due to the breadth and quality of fishing available throughout the rest of the Lomond system, the Clyde Estuary is now recognised as a top class sea trout fishery in its own right as word has spread of the specimen sea trout that are caught year after year.

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For permit and pricing information click on the link below.