Club events 2024

2024 Season begins.
Sat 17 Feb will be the first Sat for our members to venture up the Loch to mark this we have decided to have an opening ceremony at the slipway, we will have a piper piping us to our boats a short speech to begin the season then some time fishing the loch. The club house will be open early for those who fing the conditions to challenging and later on we will have some music, karaoke and a raffle. We hope to see you there on the 17 and get our season off to a good start.
Club Presentation, will be held on Fri 8 March, we are asking those who intend to come along to add their names to the list in the rod room to allow us to gauge for numbers and catering.
Following the intense interest in the recent darts competition where 16 year old Luke Littler competed so well we have taken the decision to promote our games room which has a full size snooker table and a dart board, we have decided that for the foreseeable future there will be no charge for the snooker. To avoid disappointment you can book a session by contacting the club.
Our next quiz/oke will be Friday 26 Jan , which is close to Burns night, so we may make the quiz a Burns theme, so polish up on your knowledge of the Bard.